18. Exclamatory sentence with na

A. [wonderwish]

Hik’u msk’va na putxur ! E, k’inçi-şk’imi ! (*)(AŞ)

« How beautiful you are flying ! Oh, my bird ! »

(*) « Va gomaktinen » : Text : Ayhan Alptekin ; music : Engin Alptekin

Skenceli felamuri Linden-tree who wast supporting bee-hive,

Eli cicişen eli Thou hast fallen in from the root.

Muper marazi giğun What illness hast thou, 

Mencelişen na meli Linden-tree who wast so robust ?


Musa hik’u na becğay ! Mu ağodu ? (AŞ-Ok’ordule)

« How Musa is crying ! What happens to him ? »

Muperi boyi giğun ! How tall and thin you are !

Gyuli, 3’i3’ila re-i ? Girl, are you a snake ? (*)

İris na sozi meçam You talk to all lads

Şa ok’i3’ilare-i ? and you cannot choose one.

(AH-P’ayante, K.K.)

(*) In laz, “like a snake” = “tall and thin” without any negative mean.

Kçini pimbiloni na iyare ! (AŞ-Ok’ordule)

« Let you be white-bearded (= Long life for you) ! »

Si na ar sica mayare ! (AŞ)

« Let you become my son-in-law ! »

B. [maledictionimprecation]

Anderi na naşk’vare, axir-oxori-sk’ani ! (PZ ~ AŞ)

Anderi na naşkvare, axir-oxori-skani ! (FN)

« Let you die quickly and let your house become ruin !  »

Ğurzuli do 3’una-şk’imi na şk’omare ! (PZ-Cigetore)

« Let you eat poison and my pain ! »

Enna, na-imxor xor3’i ğurzuli na gayasen ! (AŞ-Ok’ordule)

« Let your meat be poison for you ! »

Goxtare goxtare do na çkimda gegalasen. (FN)

« Let you walk as you like before coming back to implore me ! »

Ğvai do 3’k’aik na giğasen ! (FN)

« Let an inundation carry you away ! »

●●● In the dialects of ÇM-AŞ, there is a synonymous particle to.

Na-şk’omare ğurzuli to gayay. (ÇM-Ğvant)

« Let what you shall eat be poison for you ! »

Anderi to dosk’uday ! (AŞ)

« Let you be cursed and damned ! »

Exclamative particles na and to are accented.
